Chapter Eternal

If you would like to see someone added to Chapter Eternal email

Brother KeN Quarles

Pledge Class of '85

Brother Ken Quarles unexpectedly passed away in May of 2006. He never met a stranger, he loved every member of Phi Psi Ga Alpha and he truly embraced Live Ever Die Never!! Ken pledged Phi Psi in Fall of 1985. He served Phi Psi in some capacity every year until he died. At the time of his death he was the Chapter Advisor.

Ken left behind his wife, Stephanie Quarles and their young daughters Madison and Dorothy. Stephanie was a dear friend to many Phi Psi as she and Ken dated while Ken was at UGA. They married in 1992.

Ken's biological "little" brother Steve joined Phi Psi in 1988. The Quarles brothers were anchors of the chapter for many years.

Stephanie wanted to share - Ken passed after a long struggle with addiction. He never got to see his daughters grow up or meet his granddaughters. She asked we share information on how to get help with addiction.

Alumni - HELPLINE Georgia for Substance Abuse 800-338-6745

Actives - UGA Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), 706‑542‑2273

Please keep Steve, Stephanie, Madison and Dorothy in your prayers.

This year over 500,000 people have been lost to addiction. Brothers - please reach out to someone if you are having issues. I never want to post another Chapter Eternal like this. Ken saved my life - literally. He was an amazing person.

Brother Kevin Garrison

Pledge Class of '96

Brother Kevin Garrison sadly passed away in February 2016, but through him the House Corporation met a friend who agreed to donate the 7.5 acres on which we now live. The land was given in his memory for the chapter’s use by Tom Scott, a local Athens business man. The chapter was able to secure a permit from the city to build a new house partly by granting the city an easement to build a greenway on the property and includes a bridge linking the greenway with the campus and campus bus line.

The plaque reads, “Chapter Eternal: They carry back bright to the coiner the mintage of man, the lads that will die in their glory and never be old…”

Kevin was remembered as being a loyal and trusted friend by all that knew him.

Steve McSweeney, Jim Rockaway and Todd Wilson at a chapter event in 1988

Brother Todd Wilson

Pledge Class of '88

Todd entered the chapter eternal on January 23, 2017. He fought a hard fight with prostate cancer. One of the youngest men in Georgia to ever be diagnosed with the disease, he worked hard to raise awareness using his story to encourage others to get checked. He left behind a wife and two sons.